Sunday, December 9, 2012

Random Tangent #1: My Oboe Story

I started playing the oboe in 9th grade when I got tired of the flute.  Don't get me wrong, I love playing the flute and still play often, I would just get frustrated in band because I could site read the music and wanted to play something that would be more challenging. That's when my band director asked if I wanted to play the oboe.  I said "sure!" even though I had absolutely no idea what in the world an oboe was.  I really enjoyed learning this new instrument and happily applied to the BYU school of music, to which I was accepted.
I spent the next 3 years in performing groups on the oboe and as a 2nd alto while studying music theory, history, dictation and many other music subjects.  I decided to focus on music education, specifically with younger kids, and began studying to be an elementary music specialist.  Unfortunately, this is where my oboe career hit a really rough bump.  I always loved playing the oboe but when I started my other music classes the oboe was shoved aside as it was a class I still had to take but did not coincide with learning how to be a music specialist.  The two hours of daily practice on top of hours of trying, and failing, to make good reeds became burdensome and frustrating as I was taking and working hard in my other classes as well.  The oboe became a chore instead of the instrument I had previously loved playing.  I had many conflicts arise that I do not want to go into online but it left me being extremely nervous and reserved when I played whether in private lessons, master class, or other performances.  While I was still enjoying my other music classes and was extremely excited about my major, I couldn't wait to be finished with the oboe.

The day of my last jury I went home, put my oboe on a shelf and did not plan on pulling it out for a long time.  That summer the word spread that I played the oboe and I did one number in church with a vocalist and a flute but that was the last time I played a performance until today, over 3 years later.  Every time I thought of paying I would feel all the old anxiety building up again associated with my last few semesters on the oboe.  I messed around a day or two every year but had no desire to pick it up again as a main instrument.  At the same time, this made my heart ache as I still felt the love and joy I used to experience when playing but I just couldn't overcome the fear that had developed.

I often played the flute, including many musical numbers in church.  Part of me still felt something was missing.  About a year ago I pulled out the oboe and played for my then newborn son.  He really seemed to like the music and I felt a flicker of that wonderful oboe fire come back.  I wanted to play and practice but needed to get a good reed and some music.  Of course, life happened and I didn't do it.  However, I did begin to spread around my ward that I played the oboe.  I hoped to be asked to play a musical number which would force me to practice.  I even went so far as to tell the person in charge of musical numbers that I would love to play an oboe solo.  She said that she would set it up and I was thrilled as I went home and began looking through my old music trying to find a piece to work on.  The next week she said with excitement that I had been approved for my flute number!  I told her I wanted to do an oboe number and asked if I could switch.  I was told that the approval was for flute so I needed to pay the flute.   I half-heartily practiced my flute piece and played it on the appointed day but felt frustrated as this was suppose to be the big push to get me back into the oboe.

 As months went by I still felt that oboe fire burning inside me and pushing me to get it back out.  I tried a few times but knew I needed a bigger motivation.  That's when I approached the stake music chair and informed her that I played the oboe.  Within two weeks I received a phone call and was asked to prepare an oboe piece for the stake music fireside.  With excitement and enthusiasm I thought through different Christmas pieces and decided to find an arrangement of O Come O Come Emmanuel as I thought it would be hauntingly beautiful on the oboe.  I found the perfect arrangement and a pianist!  I began working on what I hoped would be an amazing reed and after much tweaking and a lot of time sitting with my good old knife and reed plaque I had what I felt was the perfect reed.
 One thing I hadn't taken into consideration though, I was almost 7 months pregnant.  I hadn't thought about how difficult it would be to try and build my breath support from nothing to what it would need to be for the perfect performance I wanted to give while having not seriously practiced for over 3 years and having limited breathing abilities due to the little girl growing inside me.

With the performance coming closer and closer I began to attempt to practice.  I say attempt because every time I played my 15 month old son would come up to me and cry.  For some reason he really did not like my giving 100% of my attention to something other than him.  I then tried to practice when my husband was home to help with him but with my husband's busy work and school schedule this was not giving me enough time to practice.  I became desperate to find a time that I could play and decided to attempt it after little Spiderman had gone to sleep at night.  That is when I made the miraculous discovery that my little boy sleeps through the oboe!  I shouldn't have been surprised since he sleeps through the neighbors, the singles ward FHE that occasionally takes place very loudly in our parking lot and our smoke detectors when we burn food but it surprised me none the less.  Night practice went great and I felt my love for the oboe return as I prepared for the big day, which was today.

Naturally, today I woke up sick.  Ha ha ha!  You know, I should have expected it.  While I really just wanted to lay in bed today I met up with the accompanist at the appointed practice time because I had to.  This was exactly why I wanted to play in the fireside, it would force me to practice even when I didn't feel like it!  We headed to the performance and I told my husband on the way that my goal was to sound better than a high school student.  No offense to any high school oboists, I just wanted to sound at a higher level than that.   We found our seats and I put my oboe together.  The concert began and at the right amount of time before my turn I began soaking my reed just as I had planned.

It was my turn to be on deck when suddenly I began to shake.  I had forgotten that I shake when I get nervous!  I used to stand back stage or sit in the chair at master class or even in my private lessons and my hands would shake uncontrollably due to how nervous I was.  Sometimes my whole body would shake as I waited.  Tonight I had the whole body shake as I stood by the stage waiting for the performance ahead of mine to finish.  "What was I thinking?!?" kept running through my mind.  I stopped and thought of the message of the fireside and the piece I was to perform.  "I am playing this song on the oboe to express my love for the Savior." I told myself as I walked onto the stage and nodded to the accompanist to begin. I saw my amazing, wonderful, and supportive husband standing on the side holding my little Spiderman in his cute little pajamas and I knew it would be okay.

I felt the song went great!  Especially considering the whole not practicing for years thing.  The first phrase ended with a horrible cut off and I know that the breath support was not what I had hoped for or could have done if I wasn't as far along with the pregnancy or had been practicing more but overall I felt it went well.  I received the greatest compliment I could have that night when I was asked if I went through the school of music on the oboe.  Not if I was applying for it, nor if I was currently in it but if I had gone through it.  That simple question made my night.  I had gone through the school of music on the oboe and I sounded good enough, at least to that person, to adequately represent the practice and hard work I had put into the oboe those years.

I am thrilled to say that my full blown love for playing the oboe has returned.  I am once again filled with excitement and can't wait to resume my daily practice.  I have already gone online and made sure that my favorite piece from when I was in the school of music is available for check out and I will be heading there tomorrow to get it.  I also know the second piece I want to work on which is one many of my fellow oboists played in the oboe studio but I didn't have the chance to study.  Once I remaster the old piece, I will practice and learn the new one that I have heard and enjoyed listening to many times during those days I would sit in master class.  I also have the perfect time to practice once my little one is asleep.  I am excited and thrilled to begin my oboe adventure again and can't wait to see where this road will take me.


  1. You go, girl! I have dealt with similar feelings regarding my clarinet...

  2. After graduating I've found it hard to get back into the habit of practicing like I did before and it's making me feel so guilty. I love the oboe! Your post has helped to encourage me to get back into practicing again. :) I'm glad you rekindled your oboe love!

  3. Way to go, Ashley! I was recently called as primary pianist and I'm loving that it forces me to practice again. I'm SO rusty! Now if we just had a piano...
