Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Aspen Grove

I spent 4 of my summers in college working at a camp called Aspen Grove Family Camp which is truly heaven on earth!  I even met Cory there my 3rd year!  Although we had experienced many weeks of summer camp through working, neither of us had attended one as guests so we decided to head up at the end of May for their first mini-camp.

I was so excited!  We stayed in a "rustic cabin" which was just like the one we lived in the summer we worked their after our marriage.  The camp is located on Mount Timpanogos and is in the forest.  It is breathtakingly beautiful!  There are large grass areas and play grounds, a game center, pool with slides, tons of sport facilities and equipment, and so much more!  

The first day we met Spiderman's group leaders and watched the opening show with skits put on by the staff.  It was the strangest thing to be watching the skits without being in any of them!  Spiderman played on the grass at Aspen lawn and loved to climb on the stone turtles, bears, ram and cougar.  It took us at least an hour to coax him to walk all the way to our cabin with us as there was so many new things to see.
The second day we took Spiderman to class and headed to the guest lecture on the restoration of the gospel.  It was wonderful!  Then we picked up Spiderman and played at one of the playgrounds until lunch.  After lunch we took Spiderman back to his class (the Rompers) for nap time and we headed to arts and crafts where I picked out special ceramic painting projects I could make for each of the kids.  I choose a unicorn for Princess Unicorn and a turtle for Spiderman.  Cory spent time working on a Celtic pattern he wanted to press onto leather.  Then we had dinner and headed to frontier night!  This is an evening where the staff dress up as cowboys and Indians and run a fun western town full of games and activities.  It was a blast!  Spiderman had a great time trying all the games, picking beads for his leather branded necklace and even was given a huge piece of watermelon that he munched on the whole way back to the cabin until it was devoured.

On Sunday we ate breakfast and headed to church which is always magical sitting in the outdoor amphitheater surrounded by trees and wildlife.  Spiderman was wearing yellow monkey boots and a green sunhat with his church cloths.  A boy walked by him and started yelling "Look mom!  Its a leprechaun!" over and over until his mom finally said that it was.  We took Spiderman to nursery but I missed him so much (as a stay at home mom I am used to being with him all the time) so I went and hung out in nursery too for the last hour.  Then we ate lunch during which Spiderman fell asleep in his high chair!  We went back to the cabin to let him and Princess Unicorn sleep and then went down to the pond so that Spiderman could throw rocks in the water which he really enjoyed.  Next we went to some grass and let him play a while.  Then we had dinner and headed to the cabin to put the kids to bed.  Over all it was a very peaceful day.

Monday we ate and then took Spiderman to class.  Then we worked in arts and crafts on our projects and then went to archery! We only got to shoot once though as the people signed up after us showed up 10 minutes early.  We played a few holes of golf on the golf simulator next and then climbed the high ropes course.  We grabbed Spiderman for lunch and then had him take his nap at group so we could work frantically in arts and crafts to finish our projects.

As soon as mine was done I grabbed Spiderman from group (he had just woken from nap) and he came to arts and crafts and drew on a shirt with fabric markers.  Then it was time t pack up the cabin.  Spiderman got really grumpy and when we asked what he wanted he said "home" so it had been perfect timing that we were about to head. It was a wonderful vacation and we can't wait to return for another one.

Princess Unicorn's Blessing

Just as a little background.  In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we have a special event for babies where during our church service the newborn is brought to the front of the congregation and given a blessing, usually by their father who says the blessing as directed by the spirit.  This is a scripture talking about it. “Every member of the church of Christ having children is to bring them unto the elders before the church, who are to lay their hands upon them in the name of Jesus Christ, and bless them in his name” (D&C 20:70). 

Princess Unicorn was able to be blessed when she was a month old.  It was a very special occasion!  Spiderman got a brand new suit to wear!  

When I was a teenager, my Grandma Robinson gave me a beautiful life size china doll with a long gorgeouse white dress.  As I grew older I imagined my baby girls wearing it on their blessing day.  Sadly, Grandma passed away a few years ago and was never able to meet my husband (seeing as I wasnt dating him yet) or meet my children.  I had no idea if the dress would fit my future girls but hoped it would.  I was thrilled when I took it off the doll and tried it on Princess Unicorn.  It fit perfectly and felt like a part of my Grandma was with us that day.  

Princess Unicorn was also wrapped in a beautiful white blanket made by Aunt Anita, Spiderman was wrapped in the same blanket for his blessing too, which helped feel like she was there as well even though she unfortunately was not able to attend.

We were able to have my parents come to the blessing, which was great!  They were able to meet Princess Unicorn and play with Spiderman who enjoyed seeing them again.  Cory's parents were also able to come as well as his awesome sister Kelsey and a few of her friends.  My close friend Monica came with her family and we had all our friends in our local congregation too.  Princess Unicorn was blessed by Cory who blessed her with those things he felt prompted by the spirit to say.  It was a beautiful blessing and a very special day.  I am so glad we were able to share it with so many friends and family!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Gluten Free Blog

Here is a new blog!  This is a blog dedicated to living gluten free and what I have learned and discovered with the help of my awesome culinary genius husband Cory!

The Delicious Gluten Free Life

Hope you enjoy!